Tuesday 13 September 2011

Microcurrent facial toning - What is it and how it works?

!±8± Microcurrent facial toning - What is it and how it works?

As the "baby boomers" age, progress, meet in the anti-aging products to their needs. Electronic machines are facial to tighten and tone facial muscles to relax, are no exception.

Facial Toning last use machines technology "micro" and one of the hottest things in the industry, anti-aging hours. There is a reason that these machines are so popular. With micro-pulses, provide almost immediate, visible results to simplify,Tone and firm the skin aging. In fact, the results of Micro-Facial Toning are so dramatic that often defined as "non-surgical facelift" means.

How does microcurrent facial toning work? To understand that we must first understand what causes our skin to sag and wrinkle. As we age, our muscles are accustomed to certain terms and tend to "stick" in these positions. A good example is the crease between the eyebrows, to get a lot of people. ToAt the same time, other muscles in our face are not widely used today, and begin to atrophy, resulting in relaxation. An example of this can often around our jaw line, chin and neck, where it tends to develop failure or loss of definition, as we shall see.

Microcurrent facial toning machine sends safe, painless pulses to the facial muscles to help relax the muscles too tight in the working muscles and helps to recharge. In essence, micro-current facial toning"Re-educate" facial muscles and makes them almost to its original shape.

When this happens the results are quite dramatic and visible face is lifted, toned and confirmed again to look much younger. At the same time, improve blood circulation stimulates the micro-flows for the face, the production of collagen, improves tone and texture, and improves or eliminates wrinkles.

Besides the fact that it really works, one of the things that makes micro-Toning of the face is so popular that many people will see visible results after just one treatment. In this way, "instant gratification", which is so rarely the result of other anti-aging products and techniques to see. In fact, the results are so striking that if you treat only half of the face, you can also see a difference between the treatment and half of you half that has not seen.

Microcurrent facial toning is cumulative as well, which means that the more treatments you have, the moreImprovement is seen in his face. The treatments are very expensive, at an average cost of $ 110/treatment. Most people at least 7-12 treatments to achieve the desired results.

Microcurrent facial toning is even if the current "buzzword" anti-aging, the technology is not new. He has over 50 years of historical data and clinical trials that behind its anti-aging. This is great piece of mind, which not only shows that will work, but also that it is safe and notlong-term side effects.

Microcurrent facial toning is a great alternative to a facelift, because it is noninvasive, requires no recovery time, it gives instant results, not without the same potential for adverse complications such as surgery and.

Microcurrent facial toning - What is it and how it works?

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Wednesday 7 September 2011

What are the treatment options and survival rates in metastatic colorectal cancer

!±8± What are the treatment options and survival rates in metastatic colorectal cancer

Metastatic colorectal cancer is one of the most common causes of death from cancer and cancer in the United States and, unfortunately, the survival rate for patients diagnosed with it is less than 10%.
If you are diagnosed with metastatic colon cancer was then your life will change, but you should always remember that it was a coincidence that healed and will try to fight the disease as possible.

Colorectal cancer occurs when a tumor appears in the colon or rectum. Colon and rectummake up the large intestine. Appears for the first and only one cancer in the colon or rectum, but if not treated before spreading of the tumor, and time is in other organs such as liver and affect the lungs, tumors that appear in them also. This is the last stage of the cancer, if it spreads too much and there are too many tumor cells in the body. It 'also called colon cancer or stage IV metastatic colon cancer.

If doctors detect cancerUsually recommend immediate surgery, for the portion of the colon, where the tumor has grown to be removed. After the operation, carried out some tests to determine if the cancer has spread. If the result is positive, and found cancer cells in other distant parts of the body, then you get the stage IV diagnosis of cancer of the colon and rectum.

They have diagnosed several treatment options for metastatic colon cancer. What is the best treatment for you is determined byseveral clinical studies. The treatment is, what is cancer of the colon cancer has hit the turn.

If other than a single organ, spread from the colon then the treatment has a higher probability of success, because it is true that individual pages can be addressed. The most common place where colon cancer spreads is the liver cancer, and sometimes the lungs.

The problem is that most patients with bowel cancer has spread to many other sites, and treatmentcan not be directed at a single location.
The best treatment option in this situation is chemotherapy. The chemotherapy is injected directly into the blood certain substances which have the ability to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy has severe side effects, such as hair loss, fatigue, lack of appetite, fever, and many others. The survival rate for patients treated with chemotherapy is not too high, but it grows every year and constantly researches and develops new techniques.

Uscan only hope that the future should be good news for those with metastatic colorectal cancer, and I remember that some manage to survive, and you might be among them.

What are the treatment options and survival rates in metastatic colorectal cancer

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