Monday 3 October 2011

2 Things that wants sex (but do not tell) - I know and you get a load stallion sex

!±8± 2 Things that wants sex (but do not tell) - I know and you get a load stallion sex

If you want your girlfriend to be with you and never leave, you must learn to please in bed. This means that you must learn to give their love of adventure Sun, the best ride of their lives.

Most women dream of some kinky desires, that they too timid to tell you. What you need is to find ways to make a woman less inhibited and more open to you in the bedroom. You can do this by making them hot enough, until it too incoherent with emotion tothink about their inhibitions.

1 Exploration sensual. A woman will respond to physical contact, if you take the time and stay in tune with their mood. Because if you touch anywhere on her body and she arches her back, you know, this is a hot spot for this woman. The sensitive areas are from woman to woman, so you have to explore, observe and intensify his pleasure.

2 Speak to the dirt. A woman feels warmer when you say what you do and if you are able to increase their sexual expectationsto tell her what you want to do with it.

Another option is to talk dirty to ask her what she wants. This has the same effect as "I'm going to be your love slave for the night." Let your inner dominatrix, and to tell them what you do to please her. I am encouraging her, you feel satisfied and you're honing your style of sex with this girl.

Now a bonus tip find useful if you want to make a woman orgasm fast ...

2 Things that wants sex (but do not tell) - I know and you get a load stallion sex

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Tuesday 13 September 2011

Microcurrent facial toning - What is it and how it works?

!±8± Microcurrent facial toning - What is it and how it works?

As the "baby boomers" age, progress, meet in the anti-aging products to their needs. Electronic machines are facial to tighten and tone facial muscles to relax, are no exception.

Facial Toning last use machines technology "micro" and one of the hottest things in the industry, anti-aging hours. There is a reason that these machines are so popular. With micro-pulses, provide almost immediate, visible results to simplify,Tone and firm the skin aging. In fact, the results of Micro-Facial Toning are so dramatic that often defined as "non-surgical facelift" means.

How does microcurrent facial toning work? To understand that we must first understand what causes our skin to sag and wrinkle. As we age, our muscles are accustomed to certain terms and tend to "stick" in these positions. A good example is the crease between the eyebrows, to get a lot of people. ToAt the same time, other muscles in our face are not widely used today, and begin to atrophy, resulting in relaxation. An example of this can often around our jaw line, chin and neck, where it tends to develop failure or loss of definition, as we shall see.

Microcurrent facial toning machine sends safe, painless pulses to the facial muscles to help relax the muscles too tight in the working muscles and helps to recharge. In essence, micro-current facial toning"Re-educate" facial muscles and makes them almost to its original shape.

When this happens the results are quite dramatic and visible face is lifted, toned and confirmed again to look much younger. At the same time, improve blood circulation stimulates the micro-flows for the face, the production of collagen, improves tone and texture, and improves or eliminates wrinkles.

Besides the fact that it really works, one of the things that makes micro-Toning of the face is so popular that many people will see visible results after just one treatment. In this way, "instant gratification", which is so rarely the result of other anti-aging products and techniques to see. In fact, the results are so striking that if you treat only half of the face, you can also see a difference between the treatment and half of you half that has not seen.

Microcurrent facial toning is cumulative as well, which means that the more treatments you have, the moreImprovement is seen in his face. The treatments are very expensive, at an average cost of $ 110/treatment. Most people at least 7-12 treatments to achieve the desired results.

Microcurrent facial toning is even if the current "buzzword" anti-aging, the technology is not new. He has over 50 years of historical data and clinical trials that behind its anti-aging. This is great piece of mind, which not only shows that will work, but also that it is safe and notlong-term side effects.

Microcurrent facial toning is a great alternative to a facelift, because it is noninvasive, requires no recovery time, it gives instant results, not without the same potential for adverse complications such as surgery and.

Microcurrent facial toning - What is it and how it works?

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Wednesday 7 September 2011

What are the treatment options and survival rates in metastatic colorectal cancer

!±8± What are the treatment options and survival rates in metastatic colorectal cancer

Metastatic colorectal cancer is one of the most common causes of death from cancer and cancer in the United States and, unfortunately, the survival rate for patients diagnosed with it is less than 10%.
If you are diagnosed with metastatic colon cancer was then your life will change, but you should always remember that it was a coincidence that healed and will try to fight the disease as possible.

Colorectal cancer occurs when a tumor appears in the colon or rectum. Colon and rectummake up the large intestine. Appears for the first and only one cancer in the colon or rectum, but if not treated before spreading of the tumor, and time is in other organs such as liver and affect the lungs, tumors that appear in them also. This is the last stage of the cancer, if it spreads too much and there are too many tumor cells in the body. It 'also called colon cancer or stage IV metastatic colon cancer.

If doctors detect cancerUsually recommend immediate surgery, for the portion of the colon, where the tumor has grown to be removed. After the operation, carried out some tests to determine if the cancer has spread. If the result is positive, and found cancer cells in other distant parts of the body, then you get the stage IV diagnosis of cancer of the colon and rectum.

They have diagnosed several treatment options for metastatic colon cancer. What is the best treatment for you is determined byseveral clinical studies. The treatment is, what is cancer of the colon cancer has hit the turn.

If other than a single organ, spread from the colon then the treatment has a higher probability of success, because it is true that individual pages can be addressed. The most common place where colon cancer spreads is the liver cancer, and sometimes the lungs.

The problem is that most patients with bowel cancer has spread to many other sites, and treatmentcan not be directed at a single location.
The best treatment option in this situation is chemotherapy. The chemotherapy is injected directly into the blood certain substances which have the ability to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy has severe side effects, such as hair loss, fatigue, lack of appetite, fever, and many others. The survival rate for patients treated with chemotherapy is not too high, but it grows every year and constantly researches and develops new techniques.

Uscan only hope that the future should be good news for those with metastatic colorectal cancer, and I remember that some manage to survive, and you might be among them.

What are the treatment options and survival rates in metastatic colorectal cancer

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Monday 22 August 2011

All Tabata - Four minutes of pain gain

!±8± All Tabata - Four minutes of pain gain

The Tabata protocol is an intensive training program, the substantial achievements. A Tabata workout (as a sequence of Tabata) is a training exercise interval of 20 seconds of maximum intensity at 10 seconds rest, repeated 8 times continuously followed for a total of four minutes. In a group setting, you can keep score by counting the number of installations of jumps / / whatever you do in 20 seconds of each round. The tour with the smallest number is your score.

CreditFor this simple yet powerful training method belongs to its namesake, Dr. Izumi Tabata and a team of researchers from the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. Their innovative study in 1996 of the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise published, has provided documented evidence of the dramatic physiological benefits of high intensity intermittent. After only 6 weeks of testing, Dr. Tabata noted a 28% increase in anaerobic capacity in hisSubjects consumed with an increase of 14% of their capacity for oxygen (V02max). These results were witnessed in already physically fit athletes. The conclusion was that only four minutes of Tabata interval training, do more, could increase your aerobic and anaerobic resistance training hours.

Although Dr. Tabata used a mechanically braked cycle exercise machine, you can use this protocol to be applied to any exercise. For example, a basic Tabata workout can be performed withSit-ups. The muscles most used better, so that the full bent-knee sit-ups. Sit-up non-stop for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest. Repeat for a total of 8 cycles.

How effective can only be four minutes of exercise? ... Very. You will be amazed at how intense the four minutes of exercise will be surprised. The tax ranges of both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. To be clear, this is not "eight sets of eight," although the goal of doing eight reps in each of the 20 / 2Cluster is about right. Instead, it is "how can I get repetitions in" during the 20 seconds, 10 seconds of rest.

It helps to be able to see a wall clock with a second hand during 4 minutes of fun. Stop at 20 seconds, 10 seconds of rest, and leave. Watching the clock helps with your attention and even counting in eight rounds ...

Here is an example Tabata workout. This training consists of 4 separate Tabata intervals, every 4 minutes. The entireTraining lasts 16 minutes. To always start with a session of moderate heating and cool-down. And if you're already in good shape, with a doctor before trying.

* Jump Rope

* Pushups

* Squat

* Chin-ups or pull-ups

Note the break in training Tabata 10 seconds are important, both physically and mentally. Not only for the partial recovery, but also provide psychological relief. Switching back and forth from work to rest makes the workout goquickly. It also provides access to a higher level of intensity that the intervals are all about practice.

Another great Tabata exercise is the "squat thruster." The squat thruster is one of the largest elevators made popular by organizations such as CrossFit. Take two dumbbells and hold them at shoulder height. Squat and pushed back the tail, hold the dumbbells on the shoulders. As you move up, press the bells in the locked position at the top. The tax may be the keyClimbing or use the momentum to "kick" the bells in my head. Keep your weight on your heals and go light! At 25 pounds dumbbell in each hand is a very difficult thruster workout!

Virtually any form of cardiovascular exercise that will use a large number of muscles tailored to Tabata interval training to be fit, so feel free to be creative. In addition to the exercises mentioned above, I use them with sprints, Burpees, a jump rope, heavy bag, treadmill and rowing machine. Decrease the 'Likelihood of injury by choosing a rate for each level of intensity of conditioning - to be conservative. Incorporate variety into your Tabata workout. A couple of sessions a week provide a lot of intensity.

All Tabata - Four minutes of pain gain

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Thursday 18 August 2011

The 10 errors in hair coloring

!±8± The 10 errors in hair coloring

If you want to get rid of that gray hair or you just want to have a new look, dying is a good way to get there. Unfortunately, the hair dye that leads to dry hair damage and consequences if used improperly can. The selected color of the dye should match the original color of hair and eyebrows to mix and improve their properties. Experimentation is good, but the colors you see on your sleeping rough with frequent use. While it is best at a trade fair or dyeingDesigner, it is much cheaper at home with the same creative effect. Before seeing the top 10 hair coloring mistake, it is important to understand the different types of hair dyes that are available, so you have to put them in context.

Types of hair dyes

Permanent hair dyes 1

While dying your hair permanantly is, by some as an error in and of itself, is the obvious advantage that lasts for a long time. As the hair grows, it applies to the roots. Theammonia and peroxides, which may contain potentially cause damage and dryness. Exposure to sun and salt water causes the color to fade. Therefore, to preserve the color, it is better to keep your hair with a hat or bandanna when going out to cover.

2 Durable semi-permanent

As the name suggests, has the longest remaining life, even after 20 washes, depending on the brand.

3 Semi-permanent

These have the shortest lifespan for dyes. After 6-12begin to wash the color to fade. This is recommended for first time users and those who want to experiment with colors.

How do you dye your hair safely and professionally:

- Separate your hair into two quadrants. Then clip each part.

- Wear plastic gloves while mixing dye solution. Follow the instructions on the packaging.

- Apply a small amount of dye in one quadrant. Strip thin strip of color across the surface of the dial. Put a clip on colorPart.

- Repeat the process after you have finished coloring the four quadrants.

- Consult the instructions on how much time is left. Add to wait a few minutes before the recommended treatment period.

- On the left side of the color mix to put all their heads after a few minutes.

- Rinse with cold water.

Top 10 hair coloring mistake!

- Number 10: Applying dye dirty, matted hair

Deep condition your hair a month before his death to get the color. EnsureHer hair is relatively clean before. Cut the ends of the hair very dry split, in color. The hair should be slightly damp when dye is applied.

- Number 9: Using hair conditioner before you dye

Do not condition your hair a couple of hours before you dye hair shampoo will do the trick. Your hair must be free from free radicals such as dirt and oil as possible.

- Number 8: Choosing hair dye on what the model does on the field, as

ContactLocal salon stylist or what colors would look best on you. They dye their hair the same color of your skin should be.

- Number 7: Forgetting to check for allergic contents

After selecting a brand, apply a small amount of hair dye near the neck or behind the ear to see if the reactions of irritation, redness, inflammation, allergies, hair loss or bad. Wash the contact area, if this is the case. Remember, the instructions carefully. Do the patch test 1-2 daysbefore applying hair dye.

- Number 6: Do your entire head without testing a small amount of hair before

Find a test wire by applying a little 'dye, a few stands of your hair if you have the right color.

- Number 5: The color of the skin or clothing

Protect your skin by wrapping a towel around his neck as the dye can irritate the skin or affect your clothes. Gloves should be used and must be contained in a hair dye kit. The application of petroleum jelly or creamaround the ears and neck part will keep the stains. Clean oil after shampooing. If you happen to stain your skin, do not worry, alcohol removes the stains of dye from skin

- Number 4: Choose a color that does not fit with the natural hair color

Choose a shade lighter in color than dying your roots. This makes the transition with grace hair back to your natural hair color, without roots, which are of a different color to stand out. ObviouslyThis rule does not apply if you die your hair a different color from your natural hair color.

- Issue 3: Hair loss

Rinse after death, always with cold or lukewarm water to prevent hair loss.

- Number 2: Over-dying hair

If you do not have the desired effect of Liquid Tide can correct this. A few days use brighter the color, the hair returns to its original color. Rather than die, retouch on all fourto five weeks for the hair color perfectly.

- Number 1: Dying eyebrows and eyelashes

Never use hair dyes on eyelashes and eyebrows! Ask for medical help when dye in one eye.

The 10 errors in hair coloring

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Monday 8 August 2011

Six management skills critical to successful leadership

!±8± Six management skills critical to successful leadership

A sign of a good leader must be able to give reasons for his team consistently encourage them to excellence and quality to meet their performance. A good leader is always looking for ways to improve production and standards. Here are six management skills you can develop as a leader in creating quality work for a powerful team.

1 Comment

This abandonment is an important aspect which is often limited by the demands of time and the calendar is a leader. Observation andRegular visits to the workplace are a priority and must be scheduled in the calendar. Observing employees at work, the procedure, interaction and workflow to improve substantially for the implementation of the regulations. About credibility he needs to see a leader and you know that up to what happens in the workplace must be present.

2 Monitor Employee Performance

Staff performance will be monitored in a mutually acceptable. Policies and procedures mustbe clear. Conference should be regular, not only when there is a problem. The estimates and evaluations should not only consider one or all formalities necessary paperwork to do and be submitted. Individual and group conferencing should be undertaken to monitor not only performance, but with the expectation of continuous professional development and support. There should be frequent encouragement and clear criteria for the objectives of both the right and is the groupIndividual.

3 Creation of professional development programs

A good leader evaluates weaknesses and provides training and education strategies to enhance skills in the weaker team.

4 Demonstrate knowledge and experience

Good leadership comes from a place of great knowledge and experience of the production process and leads to results. If a manager personally do not have all the skills and knowledge, then the regular consultations withExperts must be kept in the participating departments. This is necessary to maintain an accurate and informed.

5 Making a good decision

Good leadership is the ability to make good decisions. A leader has all the different factors before making a decision. Clear decisions jointly with the will and the flexibility to adapt decisions when necessary, create confidence in the leadership combined.

6 Ability to implement andEvaluating Research

Ongoing review and research is needed to keep up to date in fiscal vitality. While the current administration to continue the excellence in product performance and ensure a good leader is also able to see into the future. Implementation and evaluation of research is an important way to plan and prepare for the future.

Excellent leadership is always active, not reactive. By developing these six managerial skills builds a solid foundation forSuccess.

Six management skills critical to successful leadership

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Saturday 6 August 2011

5 levels of committed relationships

!±8± 5 levels of committed relationships

Have you ever wondered: why is our relationship so difficult? Things were so perfect when we first met - what happened? Most likely, the answer is that it leaves the first stage of your relationship and have moved to another. But was it really that easy?

Yes! Most people understand that relationships grow and change over time ... But what many do not know is that they tend to develop in the same way. There are specific, defined levels of long-termoffering new sensations to face new challenges and new opportunities for growth. And if you want to develop your relationship with mutual respect, love and intimacy, it is likely that you have all of the following levels of relationships at some point or another experience. Take a look at the description of each stage - but this does not sound familiar?

Before you begin, you should know that most people experience these stages in this order, and have the determinationChallenges at each stage before moving on successfully to the next. Of course there are always exceptions to this rule. But for the most part, you can not get to experience all these stages, if you want a healthy and fulfilling lives. Each pair will move through these stages at different speeds, and most people experience each stage more than once - it is usual to vary from one stage to another .*

Okay, now that I have given you the basics, let's diga little 'deeper ....

Step 1 - The Stage Romance

This is also known as the phase of courtship, or the stage of imagination, and can be anywhere from 2 months to 2 years. This is when you and your partner have just met, and everything is absolutely amazing. You can not do without them. None of you can do no wrong in the eyes of others ... especially since both have to show your best side. The emphasis at this stage is on commonalities - you have so many interests in common, youcould almost be the same person! Show your partner your best car ever, and you try to get one another as possible. The conflict is seen as "bad" at this stage, and is to be avoided at all costs. You can not imagine life without this person, so that you begin to spend so much time together as possible. This is the stage when our defenses are ahead of you to be open and can fall in love. You and your partner to build an important basis at this stage,Your relationship can grow. There are biological effects. If you are at this stage, the body produces massive amounts of endorphins, which you feel unusually happy, positive and eager to do everything in your life (feeling that this is "madly in love"!). This is the stage most frequently in movies and romance novels, illustrated, for obvious reasons. Bottom line - you are happier than ever, and can not imagine they feel different.

Level 2 -Disillusionment Stage

This phase is also known as the familiarization phase, or phase to adapt to reality. Here you can see that your partner is actually a man (horror of horrors!) Start. You learn to know each other more and more, and as a result you start recognizing their various flaws and shortcomings. See your partner in relaxed situations, and you become more relaxed as well. Since the body can not continue to produce the same amountsEndorphins, which was in the beginning, they begin to sink these feelings of being on top of the world. Partner's little habits are not quite as cute as they are used, but there is still enough goodwill Romance Stage that you are willing to forget. It can begin at this stage, the relationship slowly, dripping, as a partner for which he / she begins to really see. Or sometimes it happens suddenly, when there was a sort of dishonesty or fraud. This phasecan be confusing and daunting, because you only have so much and experienced the opening scene of the Latin connection. But at this point, your main task is to learn to communicate and resolve conflicts effectively with this person is, which is an important skill if you want to continue your relationship.

Step 3 - The Stage struggle for power

This phase is also known as the phase or stage of delusion distress. Because the features to improve the phase of disillusionment,are more difficult to treat and harder. You will probably start to move away from each other at that stage. At this point, we still believe that the conflict is something "bad", but they are increasingly aware of your many differences. They struggle to draw the boundaries in the relationship, and also because of little annoyances to major issues. This is the stage where it is possible to define unacceptable behavior, and most couples have occasional or frequent thoughts of leaving the relationship. MoreIncreasingly, you start to feel your partner or not self-centered care, or worse, is that they dare not do it. Deep resentments begin to build, if you can not solve your problems in a respectful and mutually acceptable. Many couples are stuck in this stage, since this type of interaction is normal in their relationship. This is when you absolutely must learn to manage your differences effectively - to communicate and work together as a team,But it is tempting to believe that your partner is the sole purpose on this earth to make life difficult. Not surprisingly, this is the stage most couples are breaking in, if they decide to divorce or that. However, if you are able, all mines must be negotiated at this stage, will move to ....

Phase 4 - Phase Stability

This is a quiet and peaceful time, compared to the last stage. This phase is also known as the phase friendship or Reconciliation Stage.Some couples do not do so at this stage, but those who find that their deepest feelings of love, connection and trust their partners. Now you have a history together, and many people begin to rely on the predictability of the relationship. As we enter this phase, you begin to understand that your partner is not perfect, but your personal differences are not as threatening as they are used. Are you able to resolve most of your differences, at least to some extent, andhave more trust in the relationship. Some people feel a sense of loss at this stage, as a partner for what they really learn to accept, as this means going to leave to the imagination, which was founded at the beginning of the relationship. But for most, the deep sense of friendship and commitment to a good compromise for those early feelings of butterflies and excitement. This applies even if you restore your interests and friendships outside startingwere added to the Romanesque period. There is some risk that you will start to move out or bored with your partner at this stage, you should try to keep the connection that was built in the Romanesque period. Overall, this is the stage where it is finally starting to feel comfortable and satisfied with your deepening relationship.

Step 5 - The Stage commitment

This phase is also called the phase of the acceptance period, the transformation phase, or phase of Real Love known. E 'estimated that less than 5% of unmarried couples to make this point, the institute report. This is the stage when both couples have a clear idea of ​​who their partners, have flaws, weaknesses and deficiencies in abundance ... but make a conscious choice to deal with this person in spite of all these things (and in some cases, because these things) are. You are no longer with your partner because you need it, but why did you choose them, which means that the level of resentmentHe felt lost during the struggle for power, if not disappeared. If you have done to this point, you and your partner are a team. You truly love your partner, and look out for their interest just like looking out for your own. Your partner is your best friend. There are some surprises about your partner or habits of character in this phase. They worked together to overcome many challenges together, and must accept each other and support each other, withoutRestriction. Your vision for your relationship is in congruence with who you are and what you really want. Have you discussed your future together - you need to define similar goals in life, and you feel encouraged, you continue the relationship. Many couples choose to establish a formal and public commitment to each other at this stage (eg marriage), their intention to make their relationship even further. This is the stage where your relationship into a genuine partnership.

5 levels of committed relationships

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Monday 1 August 2011

Acai Berry - How I lost 30 pounds in 30 days with the Acai Berry

!±8± Acai Berry - How I lost 30 pounds in 30 days with the Acai Berry

There was a time when I was grossly overweight. At that time I had no idea about the acai berry. I was fat, ugly, messy and loaded with a negative attitude. This is when Dr. Oz to explain the acai berry seen on CNN. I was impressed and I decided to try my Acai Berry. That's what did it for me.

It 'was easy to follow

The biggest advantage of choosing this program is that it was simple and straightforward and I'd never turn around to get there.All I had to do was to choose the place of my choice, and start making an order, it was so easy. So I had no doubts at me with this product.

It was only natural

The second advantage of this program was after it was natural enough. While most weight loss programs or other types of chemicals are infected, this is a method that has proved to be completely natural and free of harmful side effects.

It worked from day onea

The moment I started to use this formula miracle, I was sure it would work for me. This is how it started, the results from day one. By the end of the month, I had lost a staggering £ 29.80. It 'was amazing, and it took a while' to sink in. I until the message is trying to test various scales, and the cross was satisfied with the results.

Acai Berry - How I lost 30 pounds in 30 days with the Acai Berry

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